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Every other Sunday at 5PM Pacific Time, we are giving a live concert from our Ashland home. You can watch it at Gary Garrett’s Facebook Page, or Anjalisa Aitken’s. Earlier episodes are archived on our Facebook pages.

We often have a Zoom room going at the same time. Please contact us here to RSVP.

One Saturday Anjalisa went for a walk, and a song followed her home. We wrote some more words, and on Sunday we sang it — for the first time, even in practice.

All of our house concerts and workshops have been replaced by these weekly online shows. We welcome your support and we’re grateful for it. You can go to or contact us by email.

Shortly after the shops closed down, Anjalisa went walking in downtown Ashland. By the time she got home, she had written most of this song. We entered it in this year’s NPR Tiny Desk Contest.

We recorded a new single. Click here for a free download of “There Is a Field,” our mashup of Rumi, Laurence Cole, Leonard Cohen, and us.

Life is a lucid dream! Here’s our video, featuring the photography of Kawika Singson.

“Your songs are powerful, beautiful, and fun. What a spectrum!”

— Eileen, San Rafael CA

If our music has brought something good into your life … please consider donating to keep the show on the road.

Dear Friends … Being able to express ourselves artistically as The Harmony People is our honor, our pleasure, & our calling.  Read More …

Photo Credit: Kauakea Winston

Our story began in 2013, when Gary was performing in California, and Anjalisa began harmonizing, full voice, from the audience. We sang some more, and very soon we, and everyone within earshot, realized that we would be making lots of music together. In honor of the way we met, we began with the name Voice Recognition.

“Chicken Skin … beautiful harmonies, interesting songs, impressive scat singing. Your two voices are so perfect together … your harmonies were so pure they almost sounded like one intricate voice.” – Matt, Hawaii

We began to tour steadily in Hawaii and on the West Coast, from Southern California up to Seattle, giving house concerts and public shows of our original, uplifting, sophisticated music. We have touched audiences deeply. Check out our testimonials page.

“I cried Bhakti tears, tears of love … your harmonies of yin and yang were incredible.” — Condor, Hawaii

Our first CD, Summer, came out in August 2014, and in December 2014 we released Extended Play, a four-song EP with multilayered harmonies.

“Listening to Anjalisa’s and Gary’s moving music transported me into such a state that I found myself weeping. The sheer beauty of their harmonies and heart-opening songs are still with me days after their live performance.” ~Marie-Rose Phan-Lê, Author/Filmmaker

In 2015, we were chatting with a stranger, when suddenly she lit up and said, “Oh, I know you, you’re the harmony people! My friends were telling me how great your concert was.”

We drove away elated, knowing that fate had just tapped us on the shoulder and gifted us our new name. We are now The Harmony People.


22 replies

  1. It is good Gary so glad you did so well I have missed you all these years told lot of people about you and your music still have that record you made in the 80s Good stuff !
    Eddy from Barbara’s world on Whidbey

    1. Eddy! Great to hear from you. Hey, finally changed Whidbey Island to “on the island” in Driving. You should hear the new version of it, it’s great. We are coming to the northwest this summer. Would you like to be on our Northwest mailing list?

      1. I was blessed with amazing melodies and sweet harmonies by you two. You sent Aloha my way when my heart needed to be reminded of the magic of being blessed enough to be have been able to Live Hawaii. Thank you for sharing your gift.

        1. Aloha Renee I regret not being able to speak to you after the concert and share stories of Hawaii it was a blessing to have you in the room!


  2. GaryGarrett!!! I am multitasking, listening to your youtubes, “When there is music” is absolutely amazing!!! Checking out your website and typing this note. Am listening to It’s Your Fault now…..I like Anjalisa!! Perfect!

  3. Awesome sound, and so glad you two met and are making music. love these vids. If you ever come to New Orleans, you will find wonderful places to perform.

  4. I love your voices together and the story of how you met.
    But I’m unable to attend your Oregon concerts.

  5. Hurray, you are coming to Bellingham!! We will come to hear you, meet and greet you. Aloha nui loa!

  6. We heard you in Bellingham. We were there for a weekend getaway and read in a little local paper about your program and decided to give it a try. Really love your music have one of the CD is in my car Reading your webpage and since we live on Whidbey I’m curios about the other parson on your web page who refers to Whidbey and something like Babbaras place

  7. Fantastic sound, love you guys, and the guy that mentioned a tour of New Orleans and I would say also Jackson Mississippi and Baton Rouge, you need a rental car or a small tour bus. Keep in touch you guys are great, Rory Wright, fine artist, writer, farmer, and turtle rescuer.

  8. I’d been a kind of ‘closet vocalist’ until I was somewhat transformed by your workshop in Waimea where I was able to join an entire roomful of amateur singers in ‘awakening’ my ear and voice to relative pitch. It seems that somehow, song captures and releases those messages from the heart where speech is otherwise likely to fail. And true to your purpose, you don’t allow anyone to believe that they’re unable to sing. And just as important, that they’re unable to sing along with others in harmony. The room buzzed with immediate gratification.

  9. These people are a bit of heaven on earth! harmony of the spheres , both gutsy and whimsical, the most intricate and unique harmonies, uplifting energy able to create in the listener a serene mood of joy and hope and laughter.

  10. Has such an amazing time last night. Your voices are magical together and carry the music to a different level.

  11. Thank you isn’t big enough to express the joy, from the time The Harmony People began performing, harmonizing and sharing their musical gifts. I smiled from ear to ear from delight.

    Hummingbird Community

  12. Hello. This is “19” from YouTube. You say that notes that are in the top right or bottom left etc on the lattice have certain feelings, which is true, I have been experimenting with this before I discovered you. But what about when you include 7 or higher? How would we hear 35/32 for instance?

  13. Jus love you 2 so much!! Fabulous in every way!
    Super stars, yup.

    Waimea farmers market apron booth,, back in the day. Aloha

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